Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Triton
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Comments: Email your posting to
March 11: ERIC
I'm puttin together a '71 Bonnie cafe and it needs somethin to put the gas in...go figure! I'm torn between a manx style alloy or triumph euro "breadbox" tank. The bike has an alloy solo seat which was hand hammered and wheeled by my close buddy Carpy (, so I figured the alloy fuel tank would be fitting. The frame is powdercoated a gloss olive green and I'm usin WWII era British roundel decals on the tank and elsewhere on the bike. Just curious as to if ya got somethin layin around that might fit my needs or know someone that could build a manx tank. Johbike has an alloy solo seat which was hand hammered and wheeled by my close buddy Carpy (, so I figured the alloy fuel tank would be fitting. The frame is powdercoated a gloss olive green and I'm usin WWII era British roundel decals on the tank and elsewhere on the bike. Just curious as to if ya got somethin layin around that might fit my needs or know someone that could build a manx tank. Johnny says if they made it, you got it! Any help you gan give is greatly appreciated. EricC
March 10: DAVO
I really enjoy reading what you fellas do. Here in the middle of Illinois, we are controlled by the weather (short riding season and COLD!) Having ridden BSAs since high school (1965) I am really tickled to se all of the interest in the older Brit bikes!!
MB: good to here from you, stay warm. mb
Monday, March 8, 2010
2010 Hell on Wheels 4th Annual MotoRally & Scramble

Events: Rally /rides to the event. Motorcycle Show, Hot Rod Show, Pin-up Style Beauty Pageant, Whiskey Challenge Dirt Bike Scrambles (races). Bands: Over night camping.
Location: Lake Elsinore MX park.
31919 Cereal Street, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
Time: Noon to Midnight.
Cost: $10.00
Rally/ Rides to the event:
San Diego: Meeting at Trophy Motorcycles and departing at 11:am.
Contact Joel Cherry from Ton Up Club.
Inland Empire: Meeting at Biltwell?
Coastal Orange County: Meeting at Rooster Café?
Whiskey Challenge races:
First time ever Hell on Wheels is hosting dirt bike scrambles.
Anyone can enter.
Classes include
Vintage 75 and older…
Modern everything after 75.
Mini: everything under 100 cc’s.
Experience level:
Trophies will be given out and a Bottle of Whiskey with each.
$40 to enter for the first class and $30.00 more for the second.
Entry forms can be obtained at
Honor System… No Sandbagging or Cherry Picking… these are exhibition races for fun and do not count toward any racing points for any organization… Bragging rights only.
Beauty Pageant:
40’s, 50’s, or 60’s style lingerie or swimwear.
$500 grand Prize and other Prizes for runners-up.
To enter contact Rose at or call at 714-563-2418
An application and Photo Must be submitted by June 4th.
Application can be obtained at
Bike Show and Hot Rod Show:
Ride or drive your car or bike into the designated show areas at the event…
If it doesn’t run… don’t bother. Ugly and Unique are Encouraged.
We will have categories ranging from Purdiest, to Ugliest…
No pre-entry form is needed… no entry fee.
Judges will consist of Hell On Wheels personnel, Club Captains, and Honored Guests.
Trophies will be given out and a Bottle Of Whiskey with each Trophy.
Gypsy Run Style Camping:
Overnight camping is encouraged.
After the stage is shut down… we will have a Bon Fire and will have a Special presentation of Two Wheel Terrors II from the Hot Rod Havoc guys.
Camping spots for both motorhomes and tents will be available. See the organizers Booth at the event for a spot. The only amenities will be Porta Potties.
No alcohol will be served by the track or the event organizers. Some clubs may be bringing beer and if you are really nice they might share… However, we encourage everyone to BYOB. And stay overnight at the track.
This Event will be filmed for upcoming Two Wheels Terrors project and a Documentary being put together by Meatball and Scott Curtiss
Clubs are welcome to participate. Any car or bike club that officially participates will be asked to donate one Customized bottle of Whiskey to be given out with trophies… and nominate one member to be a judge of either the car or bike show.
If interested please Contact Scott Curtiss :
Vendor Spots are available for only $25.00. Contact Scott Curtiss: to get your spot.
Food will be available from both charity fundraisers and professional food vendors.
Some of your company product to go toward the raffles and prizes.
One Sponsor customized Bottle of Whiskey to be given out with the Trophies.
two free passes to the event.
Vendor Space at the event.
Inclusion in the advertising
Inclusion in the sponsor page online
Currently Sponsors Include:
Seven Sins Choppers
Rooster Café
JRC Engineering
Lowbrow customs
Hot Rod Havoc
The Speedage
Wakula Racing
Announcing: the 4th Annual Hell On Wheels Moto Rally, Pin-up Pageant and Show.
New This year: a Vintage motor cycle race and Motocross…
This year it will be bigger and better than ever. Building on the last 3 years of Rallies and shows… we have now expanded to a larger venue… and because we at Hell On Wheels really love racing. We are adding the Scramble to the mix. Yes, in addition to the insane line-up of events from years past, this year we will include actual motorbike racing… and just to ensure that everyone can have a good time and get home safely we have arranged it so everyone can camp out at the track… yeah sleep it off before heading home. Sort of a Gypsy run... party... and ride home...
We have had tons of interest and queries from all over the world about this year’s event and we are expecting upwards of 500 in attendance. At least 200 bikes and hot rods. 20 or so of the most beautiful classic style pin-up girls in So Cal. And 5 of the best underground bands in the country…
In order to afford this party we need the help of sponsors. So if you or anyone you know might be interested in suppoting this event... please let us know...
Support at any level will be appreciated. Sponsorships will go to help cover the cost of the event, provide prizes for the pageant and bikes and hot rod show and advertising.
We typically have about a dozen motorbike and car clubs join us for this event and we are looking forward to even more this year.
We are also looking for volunteers to help out with planning and implementation for the event...
So if you are interested in sponsorship or volunteering... please let me know.
Hell on Wheels
MotoRally and Vendor Coordinator
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Breakfast at the Rooster 9:00-11:00
don't be a pussy. it is done raining. Mar. 7, 2010 - first Sunday of every month, The Rooster Cafe in Costa Mesa. it is just a ride away. 750 Saint Clair Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4314
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Riders Magazine Photo Shoot

A few monthes back we had the pleasure of inviting Riders Magazine from Italy into the shop. We weren't really sure we would give them the photo documentation they were looking for....but we had fun having them follow us around with the camera anyway. Of course we took them to In n' Out for a famous CA hamburger and shake, and with all of that excitement MB got alittle crazy while test riding the bike he was working on that day. Took it out to the rock pit down the street and did some burn outs...luckly the owner Greg Kazen was forgiving. The pictures and article made it into the mag, we aren't really sure what the article says since it is in Italian, hopefully good stuff.